Samsung Galaxy S 10

Samsung Galaxy X Finally Arrives:

The Samsung Edge display was cool, but Something much cooler and exciting could be coming very soon. Samsung has been working on foldable displays for a number of years, and the Korean giant might finally, be ready to showcase its first completely flexible Smartphone, in twenty eighteen.

Foldable phones are about to hit the market – it’s only a matter of time – and it’s looking increasingly like Samsung could be the first company, to commercially launch one, possibly as soon as this year.

We may even know what it’s called, with the mysterious Samsung Galaxy X being the subject of several, bendable leaks, foldable patents, and flexible rumors.

But whether the galaxy X marks the spot or not, we’re clearly entering a foldable future.

So, what is a foldable phone?

A foldable phone is exactly as it sounds, one that either folds inward like a clamshell phone or outward and reveals a tablet like a device when stretched out. This is possible with the use of a bendable rather than flexible O-LED panel.

Samsung, Lenovo, and LG have each showed off, bendable displays and devices at various industry events, and have registered many patents for the technology.

Previously called Project Valley, Samsung’s technology has become known as the Samsung Galaxy X.

Bloomberg says, the company plans to announce a foldable phone under its Note brand, in 2018, According to The Korean Herald, the foldable device was revealed to industry leaders, at a behind-closed-doors at January’s 2018 tradeshow, which also included a launch schedule for the handset. This Could be the Galaxy Note X, a fierce competitor to the newly announced iPhone X.

The paper claims, 2 models were shown, one inward folding and the other, outward folding phone. The latter is described as a more advanced, next-generation technology, although it’s the inward folding Galaxy X, that is expected to be first adopted by Samsung.

On November 9, 2017. Sam-mobile released, a whole host of images, that appeared to show the Galaxy X. Patents filed by Samsung has been the only real clues as to the Galaxy X’s eventual design, that we have so far. A previous patent from Samsung Display at the end of September 2016.

Light Polymers launched a new polarizer which is circular in shape designed for OLED displays, which is based on lyotropic liquid crystal technology. The new polarizer is the world’s thinnest polarizer, at only 45 µm.

These lyotropic liquid crystals, are water-based and can be coated using industry standard, coating equipment, at nearly room temperatures. This enables the company to produce these displays, at a much lower-cost compared to the other alternatives.

The Galaxy X is rumored to have a 7point3-inch 4K OLED display, DJ Koh stated, “Samsung has the foldable smartphone in its roadmap for the Note series, and is currently working to solve a series of hurdles before unveiling it, next year.”

Samsung will make the Galaxy X a high-end device, that could run on a powerful processor, like the upcoming Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chip, but Samsung hasn’t confirmed that.

We don’t know much about the camera quality yet, it is also not sure that whether this foldable phone would incorporate, the fingerprint, iris- and face scanning features, found on current Samsung flagships.

Although more recent news, comes directly from Samsung’s mobile head and is a little better, as he claimed, the company was aiming for a 2018 launch, later this year, assuming, it could overcome certain unspecified problems.

According to a report from ET News, Samsung plans to begin manufacturing its new folding OLED panels, in September, and ready to fire-up the Galaxy X production line in November.

Flexible OLED technology is still in its infancy, and as a result, the all-new Galaxy handset is likely to be more expensive, than both Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and, upcoming Samsung Galaxy S9.

Since the Galaxy Note 8 is priced at around $950, the Galaxy X could easily be more expensive than the iPhone X’s eye-watering $1200 price tag.

So, What do you think of Samsung’s foldable phone design? Would you buy it or not? Let us know down in the comments.

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